Monday, March 28, 2011

New Non-Fiction

I am having such a good time reading non-fiction lately! All three boxes of the first delivery of the New Yorkers Read grant collection have finally been delivered. I try to be really strict with myself - if I stop to browse then the books will never be processed and out on the shelves (or tables for the moment.) But still, I'm human, so I have sampled a number of delicious titles.

Today I read Steve Jenkins Never Smile at a Monkey to a 4th and 5th grade ESL class in preparation for drafting a group-written review. This was part of rolling out my new book review forms using Google Docs on my library web page I meant to just sample one or two pages, but the kids couldn't get enough of the book. It is truly a potato chip like read - you can't read just one page.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Catch up!

A lot has been happening in my little library since I last posted! Book orders, book deliveries, Family Reading Night, parent conferences, student conferences, and finally a Face Book site for my library.

Book ordering -I finally sent out my (hopefully) last book order for the year. There are so many wonderful books out there that cutting my wished down to the size of my budget is hard. Book orders are fun - I get to read reviews and dream about all the great books out there. I also visit book stores to look at books 'up close and personal' and interview students about their wishes...Like I said, it is a lot of fun, but also one of the world's biggest time-sinks.

Book deliveries - it's raining books! I received the first installment of my first book order. It is bragging, but I have to say the kids are thrilled, and the books are flying off the shelves! I am also thrilled to see some big beautiful boxes in the office from Follett (my favorite book jobber) that contain some amazing non-fiction courtesy of the New Yorkers Read grant. I imported the records today, but I won't get to open the boxes until they are officially delivered to me. I am thrilled to have this infusion of 111 new non-fiction books for my library!

Family Reading Night - This event (sponsored by Target) is both a lot of fun and a lot of work! The March FRN featured non-fiction information books. These books can be a real challenge for parents of little kids who often bring home very "cool" books that are far beyond their independent abilities. I had a good crowd - 21 families and about 35 kids. A huge shout out to Nesi my volunteer English to Spanish translator!

Parent conferences - Last Tuesday was parent conferences where parents meet with teachers and pick up report cards. Our school opts to do this all in one day. That means a half day of school followed by conferences from 1:00 - 3:00 & 5:00 - 7:30. Since the school day begins at 8:30, that means an 11 hour day, minimum. Basically we all run on adrenaline, which made the rest of the week feel a bit worn down. I saw about 50 families, and was completely talked out. I not only had a lot of good conferences, but managed to sort out some sibling pairs that I had no idea went together!

- Last, but not least, is my creation of an institutional page for the library. This is my second exploration in Facebook. The first time I created a Facebook page was when one of my library technology classes required it, and it scared me off. One of our young teachers shared things that were not suitable for my (albeit prudish) concept of public sharing. I don't want to be a conduit for anything that could get someone into trouble. However, I can't rule out the fact that Facebook is a huge part of the way people communicate. So here it is!