31 students have jumped through all the hoops to be be "Reading Ambassadors." Many more came so close! It is hard to tell students who were hoping to go on our trip to Barnes and Noble that I am so proud of them for what they have done but...
Another hard thing at this time of year is ending circulation. My line in the sand is that books don't go home now. "You can borrow books in the morning and return them in the afternoon. If there is a bookmark I won't disturb it." Still, during last period today I had a bunch of students, second graders mostly, wandering around the library, gathering books and trying again. Even after a student selects a different book, I still have to say - you can borrow a book in the morning... In a perfect world the school library would stay open through the summer.
Realistically, school ends in three weeks. During that time library accounts have to be closed, inventory started and ended, and the whole operation mothballed for next year. My husband looks at me wringing my hands and says, "it's always like this. It will be finished at the end of June."